Mommy of all Monsters
My Story – why Mommy of all Monsters
One day it hit me, I soon realized that everything I start, becomes a monster. Crafts, organizing, remote learning, engagement, planning a wedding, side gigs, this blog… you name it, it turns into a monster. The past, present & planning for the future, all are monsters. I’m here to help you with your monsters. From lessons learned from my monsters. How I’ve muddled thru them, the hard way.
I hope I can help you with some organizing all of the monsters in your life, let’s be honest, we all have them.
Right now all of the blog is a hot mess 🙂 aka work in progress!!
PS: I know phone calls can be challenging while juggling all the things. Feel free to simply reply with any questions or shoot me a text at 618.420.6222, too! 🙂
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